
Esta clase de porcino con pelaje muy parecido al de una oveja se llama Mangalica , pero coloquialmente es nombrado como 'Chanchoveja '.

Estos cerdos son originarios de Austria y Hungria, donde el intenso frio ocasiono que desarrollasen un espeso pelo para protegerse del clima.

Esta peculiar clase de porcino esta en peligro de extinci on ya que no se crian, debido a que estos animales poseen una grasa corporal que llega al 70%, es decir, si te comes un poco de tocino de Mangalica puedes hasta sufrir un paro cardiaco por la gran concentracion de grasa.

Pero en 1994 se creo una fundacion para preservar a los cerdos Mangalicas y, gracias a ello, el numero de ejemplares va en aumento.

![It has all the chubby glory of a pig, but also has the luxurious and fancy fur of a sheep!]( content/uploads//2014/05/pig1-620x.jpg)

![Mangalitsas were bred in the 1830's in Hungary, and are known for their rich and fatty meat. ]( content/uploads//2014/05/pig3-620x.jpg)

![The mangaitsas almost went extinct for lack of breeding as a result of decreased interest in fatty meat for health reasons.]( content/uploads//2014/05/pig4-620x.jpg)

![In 1994, the Hungarian National Association of Mangalica Pig Breeders was established in order to save the breed for future generations. Since then, the population's numbers have increased dramatically.]( content/uploads//2014/05/pig7-620x.jpg)

![They're still pretty rare though...](http://www.distractify.netdna-

![...not to mention incredibly fuzzy and adorable.]( content/uploads//2014/05/pig6-620x.jpg)

![I can't get over how cute these fuzzy pigs are!]( content/uploads//2014/05/mangalitsa-snout-620x.jpg)

![Could there be a better combination of beloved farm animals?]( content/uploads//2014/05/302117_mangalitza-mangalitsa-pigs-stock-weaners-boar- sow_photo_1_1382120417_img-620x.jpg)

Milagros Legay / NetJoven


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